A psychological evaluation can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, such as:

1. You Have Cognitive Concerns: If you have experienced memory loss or significant changes in your cognitive abilities, a neuropsychological evaluation can assess reasons for cognitive decline.

2. You Suspect Possible ADHD: Assessments can help diagnose ADHD if you are struggling with symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity.

3. You Suspect Possible Autism: An evaluation can assess for autism spectrum disorder and provide recommendations for appropriate supports.

4. You Suspect a Learning Disorder: A psychoeducational evaluation can identify disorders like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia and guide intervention strategies.

5. You Need Diagnostic Clarity: If you’re having emotional, behavioral, or interpersonal problems, testing can clarify diagnoses. It can also reveal personality traits and guide therapy.

6. You want a Second Opinion: If you are unsure about previous diagnoses or feel that past testing did not meet your needs, an updated evaluation can give an additional perspective.

7. You Feel Stuck in Therapy: If you are not getting the results you hoped for in therapy, an evaluation can identify underlying issues and refocus treatment plans.

8. You Need Accommodations: Assessments can determine the necessity for accommodations for school, standardized tests (e.g., SAT, LSAT, MCAT, GRE), or work.

9. You Need Testing for School Admissions: Certain schools require intellectual and/ or educational readiness evaluations for admissions.

10. You Seek Gender Affirming Care: For individuals seeking gender-affirming care, evaluations can support the process by assessing and documenting gender dysphoria.

I offer a wide range of assessment options, tailored to meet individual need. Please reach out for a complementary consultation to discuss what kind of assessment is right for you.

Psychoeducational and Learning Disorder Assessments
Psychoeducational / learning disorder assessments evaluate cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as current academic skills.

These assessments can be used to document giftedness, identify learning disorders or attention problems, and provide recommendations for accommodations under a Section 504 or Individualized Education Plan.

My psychoeducational assessments also include a feedback session in which I provide insights and guidance on learning styles and strategies.

Neuropsychological and ADHD Assessments
Neuropsychological assessments evaluate cognitive functioning (strengths and weaknesses), attention, impulse regulation and inhibition, language abilities, auditory and visual processing, problem solving, reasoning, and memory.

These comprehensive evaluations are often conducted when attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or dementia is suspected, and they also provide a window to the processes that may be leading to academic, work, and/or interpersonal problems.

Developmental and Autism Assessments for Children
Developmental and autism assessments are generally conducted with toddlers and children for whom autism spectrum disorder or language, social, or emotional delays are suspected.

I use gold-standard observational and interactive evaluation methods for developmental assessments which are engaging and even fun for children. In-depth parent and observer interviews are also an essential aspect of these assessments.

Adolescent and Adult Autism Assessments
Adolescent and adult autism evaluations are specifically tailored for individuals who suspect they might be autistic, particularly if this was overlooked earlier in life. These evaluations offer diagnostic clarity and can also uncover any co-occurring conditions.

Adult autism assessments recognize the unique traits of neurodiverse individuals and are conducted in an affirming and respectful manner.

Emotional and Personality Assessments
Emotional and personality assessments are generally conducted to clarify diagnoses and make targeted recommendations for treatment. These evaluations include structured interviews, questionnaires, and projective measures.

Results provide insight into personal strengths and challenges, the nature and expression of past and present psychological symptoms, the potential impact of trauma or negative life experiences, subconscious drives, and characterological ways of coping.

These assessments are often, though not always, combined with a neuropsychological evaluation.

Gender-Affirming Assessments
I conduct gender-affirming assessments for individuals seeking gender-affirming services, such as hormone therapy or surgical interventions.

These evaluations can provide documentation of gender dysphoria and an individual’s capacity to provide informed consent for treatment, as is often required by physicians. Recommendations can also be provided for obtaining support in the processes of psychological, social, and/or medical transition.

Private School Admissions Testing
Admissions testing is conducted for placement in private or independent schools. These evaluations consist primarily of cognitive testing, though occasionally schools also request tests of academic skills.

We will begin with a complimentary 15-minute phone consult to determine if I can meet your assessment needs. The next step is an hour-long intake session, in which I gather information about your background, challenges, and strengths. I also work with you to articulate goals and questions you may have that you want the assessment to answer. (I do the same when working with a child or adolescent on a developmentally appropriate level.)

This initial goal-setting phase allows me to better tailor the evaluation to your needs and interests, as well as allow me to provide targeted recommendations at the conclusion of the assessment. If needed or requested, I also speak with significant others, parents, teachers, colleagues, doctors, and/or therapists to provide a fuller picture and alternative perspectives.

The testing itself is conducted in-person in one or more sessions of multiple hours, depending on the presenting issues and your ability to focus or effectively participate. The nature of the testing sessions varies depending on the type of assessment (click here  for more details on the types of professional assessments I offer).

Following testing, I prepare a comprehensive report, which details the results of testing, describes what the results mean in the context of your daily life, and outlines recommendations to help you in your personal, work, academic, and/or interpersonal life. We will schedule a feedback session to review the results and report. This session is usually scheduled within 2-6 weeks after completion of testing.

In some cases, clients have specific tests that they are interested in receiving. You are welcome to make any requests. We will collaborate to decide whether these tests are suitable based on the reason for your referral, your current concerns, and your personal details, such as age, since certain assessments are designed for specific age groups.

Once you book an evaluation, we will discuss how to prepare given your unique situation. Generally, however, the following suggestions can help you ensure you get the most accurate results from testing:

1) Get a good night’s sleep before you come in. Adequate rest is essential for focus and optimal cognitive functioning.

2) Avoid alcohol and non-prescribed drugs in the days leading up to the assessment. These can affect your cognitive abilities and mood.

3) Eat a nutritious meal before your appointment. Hunger can negatively impact concentration and deplete energy.

4) Arrive on time, or a little early. Leave plenty of time for potential traffic, parking, and settling in before the evaluation begins.

5) Be ready to discuss your thoughts, feelings, and experience openly. Feel free to ask questions and broach concerns.

As an out-of-network provider, I am not directly affiliated with any insurance plans, Medicare/Medicaid, or Tricare. This means I do not directly bill these entities for psychological assessments conducted in my practice.

Many clients find that they can obtain substantial reimbursements from their insurance companies for the psychological assessments I provide. This is typically feasible if their insurance plan includes out-of-network benefits. The reimbursement rate varies, but it’s common for clients to receive 65-85% of their expenses.

For your convenience and to aid in this process, I can provide detailed invoices after the assessment. These invoices will include all necessary details required by insurance companies, such as diagnostic and service codes, dates of assessment, and a breakdown of the services provided.

Before scheduling an assessment, I recommend contacting your insurance provider to understand their policies regarding out-of-network mental health assessments. It’s important to inquire about the specifics, such as the coverage percentage for out-of-network assessments, the procedure for submitting claims, and any deductibles that might be applicable.

Please be aware that the decision to reimburse and the amount covered is determined by your insurance provider. While I can provide necessary documentation, the reimbursement process and its outcome are outside my control. I am available to assist you in understanding and navigating your insurance benefits as they relate to the psychological assessment services offered.

If you have further questions or require assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I have chosen not to take insurance for psychological testing for several reasons, all aimed at ensuring the highest quality of care and service for my clients:

  1. Personalized Attention and Flexibility: Not working directly with insurance companies allows me more freedom to tailor assessments to the unique needs of each individual without being constrained by insurance guidelines or limitations. This means I can focus on providing the most comprehensive and appropriate testing for your specific situation.
  2. Avoiding Insurance Complications: Insurance companies often have strict guidelines and limitations on the types and frequencies of psychological testing they will cover. By not working with insurance, I avoid these restrictions, which can sometimes limit the depth and effectiveness of the assessment.
  3. Privacy and Confidentiality: Working outside the insurance system affords a greater degree of privacy. Insurance companies typically require detailed information about the reasons for testing and the results. By not involving insurance, your information remains more private, as it is only shared between you and me, unless you choose to share it.
  4. Transparent Costs: By not involving insurance, the costs are straightforward and transparent. You will know upfront what the assessment will cost without the unpredictability of insurance reimbursements, co-pays, and deductibles.

Determining if you have out-of-network benefits that cover psychological testing involves a few key steps.

Review Your Insurance Policy: Examine your insurance policy, focusing on sections about mental health services and out-of-network coverage.

Contact Your Insurance Provider: Reach out to your insurance company using the customer service number on your insurance card. Ask them:

  • Does my plan cover out-of-network psychological assessments with CPT codes 90791, 96136, 96137, 96130, and 96131?
  • What is the reimbursement rate for these services?
  • Is there a deductible for out-of-network services, and how much is it?
  • Do I need pre-authorization for these assessments?

Understand the Claim Submission Process: Inquire about the procedure for submitting claims for out-of-network services.

Required Documentation: Check what specific documentation is needed for reimbursement. This often includes detailed invoices with the mentioned CPT codes.

Keep Records: Document your conversation with the insurance representative, including their name, the date, and the provided information.

I take confidentiality very seriously. Please click here for my comprehensive privacy policy notice, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Begin today with a complimentary 15-minute phone consult